LUXUM Nm 2/28 100% Baby Cashmere is a unique yarn, extraordinarily light and soft, obtained by combing the undercoat of Hyrcus Laniger goat puppies, which live in some areas of Inner Mongolia. The material collected is extremely limited because it happens only once in the life of each specimen up to 6 months of age and the total quantity in fact reaches a maximum of 80 grams in an entire season. Compared to adult fibre, Baby Cashmere is extraordinarily soft, delicate, with different fineness and lengths. The fiber is carefully combed, managing to obtain a yarn with unique characteristics that can reach a fineness of 13.5/13.80 microns in staple (for carded yarn) and 14.5/14.80 micron in tops (for combed yarn). The breeding, harvesting and selection of baby cashmere take place with respect for the animal thanks to the supervision of the Cariaggi company in the breeding areas, as well as the protection of the territory and the profit of the shepherds.